同廖碧兒發掘美酒與食物嘅配搭藝術 | Wine & food pairing at home with Bernice


即上 ,將美酒帶返屋企輕鬆配搭:

究竟Wine & food pairing有咩準則呢?一齊睇吓 專業又創新嘅配搭方法。嚟自美國華盛頓Chateau Ste. Michelle & Dr Loosen 嘅 「Eroica Riesling」,清爽又酸甜,Bernice就建議配搭Italian sausage 🌶️ 。味道除咗好夾,水果香味同礦物氣息仲可以平衡辣味添,同傳統嘅「當地食物配當地酒」做法唔一樣,美酒佳餚嘅配搭方式係無窮無盡㗎!

想嘗試更多配搭方法?快啲上 選購我哋專家團隊精選嘅美酒,咁就任何時候都可以擁有Fine Dining嘅體驗喇 🥂 

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Let’s check out Bernice innovative wine & food pairing advice.

Do you know Riesling actually goes well with a wide range of food? Watch Bernice pairing this crisp yet fruity “Eroica Riesling” from Chateau Ste. Michelle & Dr Loosen in Washington, USA with a spicy entrée 🌶️. Sweet notes and acidity are complemented with pleasant minerality, balancing the heat from the food. Let’s try a new combination of flavors, have fun and explore the endless combinations for an exceptional dining experience!

Want to explore more? Visit now to choose from our expertly curated selection of fine wines, and enjoy a fine dining experience anytime🥂!


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