Uncorking a bottle is just the beginning of a wine’s story

Cherrypicked by the Cathay Pacific’s renowned wine-tasting panel, the red wine Bernice shares offer a taste profile that’s not only delightful but also embodies Cathay Shop’s refined sophistication 🍷. As Bernice takes you through a sensory exploration with see, swirl, smell, sip and savour, you can certainly indulge thoroughly in our curated fine wines collection. Stay tuned to the upcoming three episodes as Bernice will be sharing more of her insights on wine tasting!

Pick your bottles now at #CathayShop and earn up to HKD1 = 1 mile. Shop on #CathayShop now via link in bio to discover your next favourite bottle.

享受一枝美酒係由打開軟木塞開始,不如一齊同廖碧兒 @berniceliuoffical「傾聽」紅酒,投入一場ASMR品酒體驗 👂🏻。

今次邀請到廖碧兒以品酒師嘅身份,用「見」、「搖」、「聞」、「淺嚐」及「細味」嘅方式,試飲由國泰專業品酒顧問團隊精心為大家挑選嘅紅酒。每一啖品嚐嘅,唔只係味道,更加係一份專屬於國泰嘅品味 🍷。記得留意嚟緊仲有三集《細味微醺日常生活》,將會分享更多Bernice對品酒嘅心得!

依家喺 #國泰品味 選購國泰航空頂級美酒佳釀,仲可享高達HKD1 = 1里數㗎!即刻前往bio連結,入手更多美酒。


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