志延专栏 │ 廖碧儿 – 从演员到酿酒师 (下)

志延专栏 │ 廖碧儿 – 从演员到酿酒师 (下)

志延专栏 │ 廖碧儿 – 从演员到酿酒师 (下) 久等了,各位读者,我们继续与廖碧儿共同探讨酿酒哲学,上半期访谈可在文末“往期推荐”中点击前往。 您的哪款作品最让您骄傲?就葡萄酒而言,您的个人喜好是? 廖碧儿:我热爱我所有的作品,我相信每一款都有自己的故事。从爱好到激情,我承认,我已经有点不能自拔。我曾经搭乘13个小时的飞机,从香港到波尔多,停留10个小时,只为品试及调整我的作品,然后又乘坐回到香港、历时12-13个小时的航班,只为看看我的葡萄酒!...
Finding fame and tackling unfinished business.

Finding fame and tackling unfinished business.

Finding fame and tackling unfinished business. In the late 90s, Liu was newly enrolled as a student at UBC Sauder when she decided she wanted to learn a second language. Friends suggested she get a summer job at a Chinese television station in Vancouver to learn...