
Our students in the spotlight: 5 Minutes with Bernice Liu

Our students in the spotlight: 5 Minutes with Bernice Liu

Actress, singer and model, Bernice Liu made an unexpected detour into wine just over a decade ago. In our “five minutes with” interview, we ask Bernice to tell us how she got interested in the world of wine, about her award-winning wine estate in Bordeaux, Bellavizio.

Finding fame and tackling unfinished business.

Finding fame and tackling unfinished business.

It’s not your average undergraduate student trajectory. Grow up in Prince Rupert, B.C., begin your Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) at UBC Sauder in Vancouver, move to Hong Kong to launch a successful TV and film acting career, and return years later to complete your degree. Bernice Liu’s educational journey has been anything but ordinary, but now she’s back to finish what she started twenty years ago.

10 Minutes with…Bernice Liu, Actress

10 Minutes with…Bernice Liu, Actress

This week, we got up close and personal, 10 minutes with Bernice Liu (currently under quarantine so we conducted the interview online), the Canadian actress, singer, model and founder of wine company Bellavizio.



新冠肺炎疫情持續,藝人廖碧兒(Bernice)近日亦乖乖留在家中避「炎」。去年重拾書包、修讀商科課程的她,除了在家溫書外,亦不忘鍛煉身體。她上載運動照,表示:「溫書累了,站起來動一動,跟着教程做Cardio Dance(帶氧舞蹈),宅在家的你,是怎麼做運動?」相中見她以黑色吊帶小背心上陣,微微露出線頭,非常吸睛。她還就地取材,以兩樽乾花取代啞鈴,非常醒目!

Bernice Liu The Power of NEW ME

Bernice Liu The Power of NEW ME

對廖碧兒(Bernice Liu)的印象,由初出道《皆大歡喜》做公主,到《瑪嘉烈與大衞系列:綠豆》以第三者身份談情說愛,或是與陳豪的舊聞拉上關係等等,而這都不是她真正本人。Bernice並不是活在別人想像中,而是過著自己喜歡的生活,除了工作,還有葡萄酒,今日就認識一個全新的廖碧兒!

新戀情曝光!39歲廖碧兒分享美容keep fit心得:每日喝一杯紅酒美顏

新戀情曝光!39歲廖碧兒分享美容keep fit心得:每日喝一杯紅酒美顏

笑容甜美的廖碧兒(Bernice Liu),擁有彎彎的腰豆電眼,加上出眾身材,是不少人心目中的女神,近日她承認與圈外男友盧啟賢(Calvin Lo)拍拖,戀愛中的女人更見容光煥發,踏入39歲仍保養得宜,散發滿滿的女人味,到底她日常的美容及keep fit心得是怎樣?現在與ELLE讀者分享。女人,忘記年齡吧!

I have a new vlog!
Today is my graduation!



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