四海之智促融合 八方之才话发展

四海之智促融合 八方之才话发展

四海之智促融合 八方之才话发展 直播黄冈LIVE 04-18 · 黄冈广播电视台新媒体移动直播平台 创新交流光芒照亮前路,合作共赢大潮浩荡向前。日前,金龙奖国际领袖及产业精英联盟成立典礼暨颁奖典礼2024活动圆满落下帷幕。来自全球各地的业界精英、学者齐聚一堂,共同探讨如何在迅猛发展的数字时代中实现跨界合作和共融发展。 创新诠释时代所需,奖项彰显不凡实力。本次颁奖典礼上,共有25位杰出人士或单位代表获得金龙奖的殊荣。他们在数字金融科技、文化艺术科技、新零售科技和建筑科技等领域不断守正创新、超越自我,在不同领域展现出不平凡的成绩。...

Uncorking a bottle is just the beginning of a wine’s story.

Uncorking a bottle is just the beginning of a wine’s story Cherrypicked by the Cathay Pacific’s renowned wine-tasting panel, the red wine Bernice shares offer a taste profile that’s not only delightful but also embodies Cathay Shop’s refined sophistication 🍷. As...
Finding fame and tackling unfinished business.

Finding fame and tackling unfinished business.

Finding fame and tackling unfinished business. In the late 90s, Liu was newly enrolled as a student at UBC Sauder when she decided she wanted to learn a second language. Friends suggested she get a summer job at a Chinese television station in Vancouver to learn...